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Centric MusicFest

Ryan Kolodziej, Artistic Director

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2019 Festival Lineup

Performers and Schedule

June 19: Charles Richard-Hamelin, piano

June 20: Trio de Moda

     Neda Yamach, violin

     Clayton Leung, viola

     Kathleen de Caen, cello

     Alison Kilgannon, piano

June 21: jamani duo

     Jodi Groenheide, percussion/flute

     Matt Groenheide, percussion

June 22: Madison Craig, soprano

     Zain Solinski, piano

June 23: Farewell Collaborative Concert

     2019 Centric Artists

Home: Lineup
Concert I: Charles Richard-Hamelin
Concert I: Charles Richard-Hamelin
Since his outstanding appearance at the International Chopin Competition (2015 silver), Canadian Charles Richard-Hamelin has become one of the most important pianists of his generation. Come and listen to a stunning program of Chopin, Debussy, Enescu, Mendelssohn, and Rachmaninov.
Jun 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
St. Augustine's Anglican Church,
411 - 11 St S, Lethbridge
Home: Concert I
Concert II: Trio de Moda and Alison Kilgannon
Concert II: Trio de Moda and Alison Kilgannon
Featuring talented musicians of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Canadian ensemble, Trio de Moda is “turning heads with their style, flare and musical charisma” (St. Albert Gazette). They will perform with accomplished Canadian pianist, Alison Kilgannon. Works by Beethoven, Schubert, and Schumann.
Jun 20, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
St. Augustine's Anglican Church,
411 - 11 St S, Lethbridge
Home: Concert II
Concert III: jamani duo - Dance of the Drums
Concert III: jamani duo - Dance of the Drums
The jamani duo is the dynamic musical partnership of Jodi Groenheide (flute and percussion) and Matt Groenheide (percussion). Together, they play over 50 different instruments. Featuring a variety of styles from all over the world, this concert will be sure to get you moving in your seat.
Jun 21, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
ATB Financial Community Room, Casa,
230 - 8 St S, Lethbridge
Home: Concert III
Concert IV: Madison Craig and Zain Solinski
Concert IV: Madison Craig and Zain Solinski
Homegrown musicians, soprano Madison Craig and pianist Zain Solinski, will perform together in an aptly chosen program that celebrates the female muse for artistic inspiration and the reclamation of the poetry by the female voice. Works by Purcell, Messiaen, Strauss, Szymanowski, and Previn.
Jun 22, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
St. Augustine's Anglican Church,
411 - 11 St S, Lethbridge
Home: Concert IV
Concert V: Farewell Collaborative Concert
Concert V: Farewell Collaborative Concert
Join the majority of Centric MusicFest 2019 artists as we close our festival with an eclectic and exciting program featuring some of the best music in the repertoire.
Jun 23, 2019, 2:30 p.m.
St. Augustine's Anglican Church,
411 - 11 St S, Lethbridge
Home: Concert V

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